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Ideas For the future updates of dalek mod

The Ideas i have is just a "fragment" because its not full Idea its just a part of a idea that im fixing other pieces of my ideas


First idea

the idea i got is the tardis And the idea is about the whole tardis Should change the way it works (like adding a working console panels etc) and i think About everything has A Model Like the Whole Console room the main One is about the Tardis And it Dies and everything if it gets damaged Badly and the heart of the tardis starts exploding and All of the rooms are a thing teleport you to the rooms and when the heart of the tardis and then all of the rooms start sparking and shaking and wires fly about like when you drop a wire and it dangles 


The second Idea 

the Pandora's box (the Pandorica opens) A Real Model and the whole box (Cube) has a Effect that everything that moves moves and lights up and you can open it with the sonic Screwdriver and you can Sit in the Pandoras box and all of the box is modeled and you can sit down and everything


The Third idea

make the regeneration have effects and particles that flow around you (your player) and that you regenerate full Health and you can modify your Skin or something like that with a GUI




If the mod has more models they take longer to make so to add other features and updates to the mod it will take longer to implement them because the team are busy making new models

Doctor who client mod has Tons and tons and tons of Models and it hasnt even been released because they are Too "Busy" to Release it or to change the forums and this mod is released and you can buy beta Access but in the DWCM you cant buy beta access

Doctor who client mod has Tons and tons and tons of Models and it hasnt even been released because they are Too "Busy" to Release it or to change the forums and this mod is released and you can buy beta Access but in the DWCM you cant buy beta access

 Just , Let's don't talk about they ... -.-"

Doctor who client mod has Tons and tons and tons of Models and it hasnt even been released because they are Too "Busy" to Release it or to change the forums and this mod is released and you can buy beta Access but in the DWCM you cant buy beta access

 DWCM works differently to the Dalek Mod, it doesn't mean the Team has to add more models in or anything. 


Basically you are asking for modelled console rooms correct? If so, it did take a while for me to guess what this post is about...


i got another idea!

fourth idea

if tardis Gets Damaged badly then bits of the model(s) Fall off or the model "Breaks up" and the inside of the tardis the console room Starts breaking up and the tardis will have a damaged Effect and the damaged Sound Happens and the cloister bell goes off etc

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