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[suggestion] new commands for TARDIS panel


command: /travel[then planet/co-ordinates/time zone]

function: dematerializes you and then rematerializes you to the chosen location


command: /Tardis sound [number]

function: depending on the number a specific Tardis sound from the show is then played


command: /Tardis upgrade [then the name of a Tardis]

function: changes both inside and outside of the Tardis to the requested one


command: /quick flight

function: quickly puts you in the Tardis flight panel system


command: /message

function: plays the bell sounds that were heard at the start of the dr who episode the time of the doctor (where the sound was coming from trenzalore and everyone came)


new particle effects should be added to the mod for the command "/particle [number]"



command: /travel[then planet/co-ordinates/time zone]

function: dematerializes you and then rematerializes you to the chosen location


command: /Tardis sound [number]

function: depending on the number a specific Tardis sound from the show is then played


command: /Tardis upgrade [then the name of a Tardis]

function: changes both inside and outside of the Tardis to the requested one


command: /quick flight

function: quickly puts you in the Tardis flight panel system


command: /message

function: plays the bell sounds that were heard at the start of the dr who episode the time of the doctor (where the sound was coming from trenzalore and everyone came)


new particle effects should be added to the mod for the command "/particle [number]"


 You already can do /travel but you cant add planet and coords /travel is kinda like a demat/remat lever

command: /travel[then planet/co-ordinates/time zone]

function: dematerializes you and then rematerializes you to the chosen location


command: /Tardis sound [number]

function: depending on the number a specific Tardis sound from the show is then played


command: /Tardis upgrade [then the name of a Tardis]

function: changes both inside and outside of the Tardis to the requested one


command: /quick flight

function: quickly puts you in the Tardis flight panel system


command: /message

function: plays the bell sounds that were heard at the start of the dr who episode the time of the doctor (where the sound was coming from trenzalore and everyone came)


new particle effects should be added to the mod for the command "/particle [number]"


command: /travel time set [then the time of day e.g. day, dawn or dusk]

function: your Tardis dematerializes and then it rematerializes but wen you step outside the Tardis the time of day changes to what you input in the command 


command: /pulse scan

function: the Tardis scans the surrounding area and all near by mobs will show up in the chat  and this also on the servers scans for near by players, the list of mobs and on the servers the near by players and puts them in a list that then shows up in the chat. on the servers this should just show up in the chat for you and cannot be seen by any other players so that the chat isn't spam filled with just list of mobs and players.

I just came up with the idea that using the Tardis control panel by typing in multiple commands you can do multiple things at once for example.

/travel ~~~ /Tardis set skaro ~~~ /sound 1 ~~~ /travel this command is saying that we want to travel to skaro but with a requested sound effect.


let's break this down:

1. the first /travel is telling us to dematerialize

2.the /Tardis set skaro is telling the Tardis to go to skaro

3.the /sound 1 is telling the Tardis to play the requested sound effect for the Tardis

4.the second /travel is telling us to rematerialize

and that's it we have teleported from the earth to skaro with our requested sound effect all in one. I think this is a good idea because we then have access to do multiple commands at once.

the way this should be structured on the Tardis panel is

command one + a space then 3 of these "~~~" + second command + a space then 3 of these "~~~" + third command and the cycle keeps on going on until you have as many commands that you want for your Tardis panel

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