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Ban appeal

Minecraft username: magrey

Why you were banned: autoclicking

Ban duration: 1 month

What were you doing last on the server:i'm was fighting with my friends

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):i'm get banned for autoclicking...i don't autoclick,the staff can check in my minecraft files,i use ''butterfly click'' 15 cps,is a minecraft tecnique

look the cps in this photo,i don't use cheats like autoclicker i swear

kubo pls read my ban appeal


I will not be taking your appeal, however

You will need to use the correct ban appeal format here -




~Kubo {DMU Admin}

I can actually back him up as I was the one he was fighting it didnt seem like he was autoclicking I asked him if he was he didnt answer, then later understood it actually was just a drag / butterfly click

Hi, I will be taking your appeal

Looking through the evidence, I don't see many similarities to an auto clicker. Quite inconsistent, you just 'got gud' as they say

Thus, I will be unbanning you. If you do end up being caught though for actually auto clicking, you will most likely gain higher punishment.

- Bug1312 { DMU Admin }

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