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Subwoofer Exterior

Why i went with this design: Pretty much the same reason as last time, i thought it would be neat, so i decided to submit it.




When closed:

(ignore weird black on top)


When open, it could look something like this:

(green is, as always, the boti portal)


Scale of the whole thing:

(each large square is 1 meter/block, each small square is 10 cm)


Additional idea:

When you dematerialise, it could play a bit of the dalek mod theme, sorta like this:
(sound is here on dropbox)

(the theme is my own remix of the dw theme)

I had to rewrite everything, since apparently i wasn't logged in, so i think i've got everything

oh for flip sake, JUST WORK
Edit: finally got it to work properly!

PS: don't copy and paste images from your clipboard into here, you have to actually save them, then upload them.

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