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Week 3 resubmission: Steampunk T32 Capsule (or the Classy Capsule for short)

My design inspiration was largely Victorian era high class furniture,  with vibrant paint and brass, art nouveau scrollwork. (This model was made with the Chisels 'n' Bits mod)


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Front with the door open:

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(The door would split horizontally, and the two halves would go up and down, though I have no Idea if that could actually be done. Also, I did the BOTI effect with a greenscreen inside, a screenshot of my interior, and Paint.net.)

Isometric view, I guess?

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Boiler side:

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Vacuum tube/cathode side:

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And as for why I came up with it, there are three reasons: (1.) There are hardly any designs (in the mod, anyway) that are variations of the classic capsule. (2.) Although it is wonderful that there is some steampunk stuff in the mod (after all, The Time Machine, an early time travel novel, was written in Victorian England), it all focuses on the polished wood with the occasional cog and barely any brass, and I wanted to fix that. (3.) A few of you might recognize this as the exterior  I proposed with my Industrial Steampunk TARDIS submission for the interior contest not too long ago. As such you may remember that said interior was cylindrical, and wouldn't really fit with the steampunk wardrobe (the only steampunk exterior available at the moment).

I've also thought of a few possible identifying items: Redstone block/red glazed terracotta (fancy-ish red blocks), sonic cane (upper class formal wear), steampunk sonic screwdriver (yes, the wardrobe already has it, but maybe it could be moved?).

Other suggestions would be great.

Such clean, gorgeous, stunning, amazing exterior. I am astonished by it.

Well, I am deeply honored that I got mentioned in week 2's video, and I hope that maybe I get a little farther this time?

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