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DMU Ban appeal] Stacy_Pacey: X-Raying [perm]

Minecraft username: Stacy_Pacey

Why you were banned: X-raying

Ban duration: Forever

What were you doing last on the server: Driving my Tardis like 3 months ago

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I was banned in 2018 and then un banned in 2019 (Thread here), I think that after the server remake my ban was reinstated, I think that I should be pardoned early because this was just a mistake and not a real instance of me getting banned again.

Hi Stacey,


looking into this, it seems your ban was kept logged on our backup data after the fire but not your pardon. Apologies for this. You will now be unbanned.


welcome back! 



-DMU Admin

This thread has been locked.