When I woke up this morning, I got on my computer and saw I was banned on DMU for "inappropriate use of display-name". Now, this was not entirely my fault as friend of mine had requested me to rename an item of his to a name he sent me. I didn't second guess it, thinking that it was probably fine. I didn't realize till after that it was most definitely inappropriate, so I do apologize. But yeah, DarkkAbstract can confirm that it is his fault, even if I did rename the item (should've second guessed, I know.)
Minecraft username:
Why you were banned:
Inappropriate use of display-name.
Ban duration:
1 day
What were you doing last on the server:
Had just left for the night to sleep around 8-9 GMT +3, but I was just running around with friends when I was on.
Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):
Partially my fault, since I should have kept my own rules for my rank; but other than that, you can ask DarkkAbstract if you need confirmation on the fact that he asked me to do it: his discord: yahyaa.#5104