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Perm Ban [Denied]

Hi, I just want to know if I can get un perm banned and maybe get a month or two, I griefed someone's teapot build for materials, and there was no sign saying not to, it just said "Joe's Teapot". I sincerely apologize about your build I did not mean to cause you annoyance or frustration with someone destroying the teapot. I will be willing to help rebuild or do what ever I can that will make a difference. That was my fault, my bad, I should not have griefed, and I apologize.


Username: casm4t

Banned for Griefing

Permanent Ban

I was last building a building in a town made by AbbyDabbydo(I don't remember full name)

I will gladly accept a long ban, I would just like it to not be permanent

Hey, thanks for your message. I just wanted to say that griefing is not allowed on any build on the server, as it can make people very sad to see their hard work destroyed, whether or not there is a sign saying "Swiper, no griefing!".

We definitely won't unban you straight away, that'd be a bit unfair, and we do this to deter people from griefing. If you send another message in a month from now, we'll look into unbanning you.

Ban denied, like Didgeridoomen said appeal in a month from now.


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