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[SWDess Suggestion] Sell Signs and User permissions

So I've noticed that there are users who may want to trade their own items for credits and because of the absence of a selling system, we get spam messages such as

" DUs ANy1 want SOME LAPIS FOR 20000 credits?" which frustrates users and staff alike.



I suggest the use of sell signs and changes to User permissions.



 Arcphoenix's thread talks about trading materials using a series of commands. Check it out here:






Sell Signs


Description: As the title suggests, the ability for users to:

  • sell items in their inventory with a shop-sign.
  • The command will be similar to existing shop buy sign
    • /shop-sign sell [quantity]
  • Again, the user will need to have the item held in their hand and right click on the sign after the command has been completed
  • The sign will "take" the quantity specified from the seller's inventory

How this will be implemented: It will be controlled though,

  • All items being sold will have a predetermined price, so users won't sell items below or above the official server price
    • This would require a price list, I think ShaneH7646 prepared one for John
  • All items being sold will be taken out of the player's inventory.
    • When others are buying this item, the seller will receive a in-chat notification
      • "[Username] has bought [quantity] of your [Item name]"
      • " You have [quantity] of [Item] left to sell"
  • The credits will be deposited into the seller's inventory or a specific [Private] chest
    • A confirmation of a successful profit will be given to the seller once again,
      • "You have received [quantity] of credits from [Buyer's Username]"

When the item has been sold out,

  • The seller will receive the notification,
    • "[Item name] has been sold out!"
  • The sign bearing the item will be no longer usable and must be replaced
    • The text on the sign will display:
      • [Item name]
      • [Sold Out!]
      • [Price]


[Sell] Chests (Alternative method)


For a more flexible and complex option:


Users will be able to create a "shop chest" (WIP name) which contains materials which they can sell.

  • The /shop-sign sell command will take items out of this chest


To create this chest, the user performs an action similar to making [Private] chests, with an extra line,

  • [Private]
  • [Sell]




Changes to Shop signs permissions


With the introduction of sell signs, it is proposed that:

  • Defaults and above can now place down and use sell signs






This has my support.




Maybe when a sign is interacted with, it can check for a block in a certain x,y,z coordinate and load the chest data then. (I imagine the alternative would be keeping the chunks of the chests loaded at all times, which I imagine might cause server lag).


Maybe there can be a "payment chest" as well as a "product chest" (the Sell chest you mentioned), with both linked to the sign and accessible to the person who made the shop sign

  • The Sign pulls from the buy chest and drops payment in the sell chest
  • This can allow a user to have a sign with more than 64 items


Perhaps in one line a user can type "[Show amount available]" which will display how many of the item are in stock. After each purchase, the sign will check the chest and update the number. Upon 0, it might say "Sold Out" or "None Available".

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