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[Discord Ban Appeal]

Username: Temporal_Mortal ?#0475
Ban duration: Permenant
Reason for banning: Rude to Staff
Why do you think you should be pardoned:


I believe i should be pardoned because i don't believe the situation was handelled properly and got un-nessescarily messy to explain after England's Loss a lot of users in #general weren't very happy with the outcome including myself, to this one of the discord staff ( " Henrik " as people know him ) decided it would be funny to troll some very emotional users over it to which i fell for and got a warning from.

I don't believe that warning was justified when you have staff literally trying to agrivate users into giving an response similar to that of mine.


I was also somewhat rude to blox when he was stating things such as " we'll get em next time " however in the context of the situation England had just lost an international tournament after being the laughing stock of the continent for many years, naturally i did not take this well and made a semi-joking response claiming i would " drive him into a river " , i thought this would be fine seen as i've made these joking remarks before to both staff and other players and gotten away with it without even a verbal warning, given the context of the situation a 10 - 30 minute mute would have been fine and resolved the situation without any drama.


Instead it seems that Henrik being now biased against me for being rude to him earlier saw this as an oppertunity to ban me and continue his trolling to the general chat, If Henrik was not staff in this situation he would have been warned not to instigate chat in the manor he did i believe this makes chat unhandelled and given that i wasn't exactly a problematic user within the discord i don't think a permenant ban is nessescary because i got mad at the shouty ball man game


Additionally i don't think it was very nice of staff to talk trash about me assumingly behind my back if discord hadn't have lagged stating such things as
" He was a Knob "
& " Took long enough "

( Very professional guys )


This was then followed up by two users exagurrating stories about me to the point where i wouldn't be suprised if someone stated " he posioned our waterhole , burned our crops and brought a plauge onto our houses "


So all in all given that the situation was a bit of an mess during a time in which the chat was moving at super speed i would like another chance on the discord given what i caught being said about me last night mainly by certain moderation ( Azereal ) i do hope the moderation looking at this appeal isn't biased against me.

Hello. I'm going to deny this appeal. The reason I'm doing so, is because what you said about a staff member was incredibly rude and abusive towards them. Death threats are not allowed, and as for you sayin you've gotten away with it before shows that you are not someone we'd want in the discord. You may reappeal in 2 months.


Have a good day,

Joe (DMU Admin)

This thread has been locked.