SWDTeam Beta Access

SWDTeam Beta Access

What is SWDTeam Beta Access?

SWDTeam Beta access gives users access to exclusive previews of work in progress features, new games, mods and software we create. This also grants you early access to beta builds of our games, software and new site features! All of the users who have SWDTeam Beta Access have the "Beta Access" rank on the site.


How does it work?

After purchasing you will unlock a new button, in your drop-down menu when you click your profile picture, called "SWDTeam Beta Access". Clicking this will take you to the Beta Access section of the website where all Beta content is posted including content of the Dalek Mod, or other Beta Products, so be sure to check here regularly!


When launching up a product from the Beta Access page it will ask you to input your SWDTeam account username and password, we do this in order to verify that you can use the Beta product. If you try and launch a beta product with a standard account you will not be able to gain access to it. It will either not load or will just close.


Are there any other rules?

There are a set of rules which you have to follow when using the SWDTeam Beta which are as follows:

1.) You must not distribute the files with anybody else who does not have beta access.

2.) Do not record or otherwise show off products released in Beta Access without explicit permission. If you are unsure, ask.

3.) You may be required to login to your SWDTeam account upon launching the Beta Product, this is so that we can verify that the user using the product is a beta user.

4.) You must not give your account details out to other users to give them access to the beta as well. We keep track of who is using what and if we see this happening then you may lose your beta access or even your SWDTeam account.



You will also receive special perks on our Discord server, which you can join from the homepage.

These perks include access to our Beta section of channels, where we post special teasers and Beta Access content, as well as a place to converse with fellow Beta users.


If you wish to obtain this role, simply head to the #support channel and send a link to your SWD Profile, and nicely ask for the Beta role.


What do I get on DMU?

You will also receive a Beta rank on the server when you purchase this. This rank includes the following:
- Access to the /set-title command (You may use color codes to make it more colorful!)

- Access to the /mount command (Sit on other player's heads!)


To apply ranks, go to your SWD Profile, click Inventory, click on the rank then product options, and apply it!

Buy SWDTeam Beta Access

Price: £2.99
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The_Clever_BoyBeta Tester
Posted: August 24, 2024

i have bought the beta acces today but we have 0 uptade !!!The last is 05 octobre 2022 so in 2024 why this is on the store ??

VoidRiftyBeta Tester
Posted: May 06, 2024

How do i apply the rank to my mc account

Miner100910Beta Tester
Posted: November 19, 2023

/sit doesn't show up in game

BenElfBeta Tester
Posted: December 10, 2023

IIRC they removed the command

superGlowy12Beta Tester
Posted: January 08, 2023

wait is private server available in 1.16?

superGlowy12Beta Tester
Posted: January 08, 2023

i liked jon pertwee as the doctor