

What is Chatrooms?

Chatrooms is a mod for Minecraft 1.7 which allows users to talk in "Chat Rooms" within their game. The mod kind of works similar to how the chat works in multiplayer however this enables you to talk to friends in game whilst on different servers or even in single player.

How do I use the mod?

To join a chat room you first have to find a chatroom server, you can either set on up yourself or connect to a friends (A tutorial on setting up a Chatrooms server can be found below).

Connecting to the server
To connect to a server you must use the following command in the chat:

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/CRconnect Server_IP:Port [Server Password]

As you can see from the above command you have to specify the Chatroom server IP followed by a colon and then the servers port, if the server requires a password to connect then you must type that in next. If the server does not require a password then you can leave it blank. After executing this command you will be connected to the server, however the server can have a user limit and if that limit is reached then you will be disconnected and will have to try again. Please ensure that if you are connecting from within the same network as the server or running it on LAN you connect with "localhost" instead of the IP.

Sending messages
To send a message to the chat room press 'y' on your keyboard and then as you normally would type your message and press enter to send it, however you can also send a message using the following command:

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/CR [Message]

Setting a user title
Using the title command you can add a title to your username, this will be displayed in the chat to everyone on the server. To use the title command you must type the following:

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/CRtitle [title]

Color Codes!
This mod fully supports all of the default Minecraft color codes, to use a Minecraft color code in the chat you must put one of the following before your message or title:

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- &0 - BLACK
- &1 - DARK_BLUE
- &3 - DARK_AQUA
- &4 - DARK_RED
- &6 - GOLD
- &7 - GRAY
- &8 - DARK_GRAY
- &9 - BLUE
- &a - GREEN
- &b - AQUA
- &c - RED
- &e - YELLOW
- &f - WHITE
- &l - BOLD
- &o - ITALIC
- &r - RESET

Example: /CR &3Hello World

Setting up a Chatroom Server

If you want to host your own chatroom server you will have to setup the server. There are two ways in which you can do this, the first being on LAN and the second one being live. If the server is on LAN then only users from within your local network will be able to connect, however if you are hosting a live server then any users with the servers address will be able to connect. When setting up a Chatroom server if you do plan on hosting it online for friends to connect you must port forward the port you have chosen to run your server on, else they will not be able to connect to your server, there are plenty of tutorials online on port forwarding.

Starting the server
To start the server you just have to simply double click on the mods ".jar" file, the one you downloaded, this should then launch the chatroom server console, from here you will be able to monitor the chatroom. After starting the server for the first time the console should say "Generating Server Config CRConfig.cfg" inside this file are all of the properties for the server, such as the server name, maximum players, the server port, server password etc. The file should look like this:

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Server Name:A SWDTeam Chatroom
Server Port:8000
Requires Password:false
Server Password:
Max Connections:10
#Banned Words Should be separated with a comma like so:Hello,These,Are,Banned,Words
Chat Filter Banned Words:
#This word will be put in place of all banned words.
Chat Filter Replacement Word:yadda

Once you server is up and running you will see a line in the console with the IP and Port, you just have to send this to your friends in order for them to connect to your chatroom server.

How can I connect on LAN?
In order to connect to a server hosted on your local network you just have to connect with the following command (Where PORT is the servers port, by default this is 8000):

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/CRconnect localhost:PORT


Will this work on Multiplayer?
Yes the mod works on multiplayer, you only need to install it client side, it does not need to be installed on the server.

Can people on a server see what I am saying in a chatroom?
No, so long as you are using the "/CR [message]" command to talk nobody on the server can see what you are saying or typing.



Beta Build

Alpha Build


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GoWishBeta Tester
Posted: February 17, 2017

How could I host this on a remote host? I use to host minecraft servers. Is there a way I could do this there?

Posted: April 14, 2016

SWEET GOTTEN IT NOW!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

50ap5ud5Beta Tester
Posted: February 17, 2016

@ 22ndDoctor It's called posting in the wrong place. Why not post it in the Dalek Mod Universe Public section, SWD Forums? The staff are just doing their job, they are not "picking on a 12 year old" which you makes yourself sound like one.

Posted: December 23, 2015

they banned me from the sever because i spent ages trying to get a tardis for it to be destroyed with my diamonds inside it so i try and find my tardis cause i thought the tardis was hidden in a chest but i get banned and the next thing i know they banned me again for me saying can i be un banned

Posted: December 23, 2015

so now your deleting all my comments why and you wont even answer me oh great picking on a 12 year old