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[Discord Ban appeal] Cvexreos#0416 / ID: Trolling / Being rude to staff

Discord account username and ID: Cvexreos#0416 | 331048339674234882

Why you were banned: Trolling or being rude to staff (This is from what I can remember... it has been quite a long time.)

Ban duration: Permanent.

What were you doing last in the discord: Being rude and disrespectful to staff.

Any previous bans: No.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): Well, I was banned back in 2021 and for the last 2-3 weeks I have started getting back into Minecraft again and that is when I remembered DMU and have started playing on the server again, however it is quite hard to play on the server and socialize with other people like joining towns/cities without also being in the Discord server. 

Hello there!

Whilst I appreciate that you want to be unbanned, you haven't given us a reason to unban you other than "I want to talk to people". If we accepted everyone for that reason, there wouldn't be much point in a ban. Feel free to reply to this with a legitimate reason to unban you.
The thread will stay unlocked until you respond.


My apologies. I believe I have had enough time to think and regret about what I did and feel sorry and as if I have learned from my mistakes I understand that my actions were unacceptable and the ban justified.

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