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[Discord Ban appeal] DJcorin#9097 Reason: Unknown

Discord account username and ID: DJcorin#9097

Why you were banned: Unknown

Ban duration: Permanent

What were you doing last in the discord: Unsure, most likely sharing what I had been working on.

Any previous bans: One on the discord.

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): Recently, I was distraught upon finding out that I had been met with a permanent ban! My brain immediately scrambled to find a rational solution to why this has happened. It's really put a stoppage to the great day that I've been having, and honestly, just some closure/clarification on why this is the case would be amazing. I believe that I had a positive effect on those in the discord/wider community and I'll be eagerly waiting for a positive response. Hope this issue can be resolved and have a great rest of your day!



Uh, we both know why you was banned! Denied.

Surely this was a joke appeal, right?


This thread has been locked.