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[Discord Ban Appeal] SebThePerson#5057/Being a jerk

Discord Username: SebThePerson#5057 (I don't know if numbers still matter)

Why I was banned: I was an immature POS who thought too highly of himself and abused every chance he got to change his ways. 

Ban Duration: Forever

What you were doing last in Discord: No Idea

Any previous bans: Several

Why I think I should be unbanned: It has been nearly 3 years since I've been banned from the SWD Discord (I think, I may be off by a few months), and I promise I've changed. I realized I was an immature little crap who believed he could get away with anything and have no consequences applied to them. I was VERY wrong. Over the past 3 years, I've changed drastically and want to try to make up for what I did/said back then.  I'm sorry for everything and everyone I intentionally and unintentionally hurt with my words. I promise I am better now, and I want to try and show that

Sorry for the extra reply but I just wanted to continue it after thinking it over:


I know Joe said I used up my final chance last time, so I'm sorry for abusing that opportunity I was given to show I’ve changed. Nearly 3 years later and I’m still cringing at my past discord messages and how I was, and I hate myself for it. I know I’m probably still seen as a child by everyone (I’m 19 now so hooray), but I am truly sorry for everything I’ve done. I’ve matured past my jerk-ish ways and I wish to prove that



You were told last time it was your final chance. Your appeal is being denied.



This thread has been locked.