NOTE: This list isn't all-inclusive. Some things mentioned weren't tested in other versions, and some things may have been missed entirely. If anyone knows of anything that got missed, please leave a comment
Scaling Holograms
Do /blockdata and set the coordinates on the hologram. Modifying the "scale" tag should allow you to change the size of the hologram
Changing the particle Effect of a floor grating
If you do /blockdata, you can You can change the particle effect which comes out of a floor grate by changing it's ID in the block NBT Data (1.8)
Solid Holograms
Rename the Hologram on an anvil: "< Name of player >:1"
Scaling Tardises
Place a Tardis at your feet and type /blockdata ~ ~ ~ {scale: < number of your choice >.< number of your choice >f}
Changing the Particle coming from the floor grates
Stand on the plate and do "/blockdata ~ ~ ~ {pid:< id of your choice >)}"
Pressing the P button will activate it
Doing "/summon thedalekmod.DMDelorean" will summon the Deleorean. Unlike the 1.7.10 Dalek Mod Delorean, this one actually has functionality. More info here.
Blowing up Pigs with Sonic Screwdrivers
Defusing Nitro-9
Detonated Nitro-9 can be diffused before it explodes by sonic-ing it.
"Story Mode" (Mob)
Using commands, a story mode Mob can be spawned. This mob looks like a cow with Digeridoomen's face.
/summon thedalekmod.DMStoryMode
"Story Mode" (Item)
This item is intended to be a joke item and can be found in the creative inventory. When held, the player takes the appearance of a cow and occasionally makes cow noises.
User Specific Weapons
When using commands or TMI, you may notice many unusual weapons. These were made via Hire SWD and aren't able to be used by anyone except for those it was made for. Trying to will clear items from your inventory
Lightsaber (U46.1)
In the creative inventory, a Lightsaber weapon can be found. Since U46.2, the weapon has become DutchBear12's user-locked weapon and will clear any other player's inventory if held.
Title Screen Tardis view (Absent in the latest version)
In U45 of the 1.8 Dalek mod, pressing a certain keybind on the Title Screen would show the player a view of the Hellbent Interior
Toaster Item
Doing "/give thedalekmod:Toaster" will give the player a toaster item. Holding this item while in water will kill the player instantly, even in creative.
Big Boss Man ("Block John")
Doing "/summon thedalekmod.DMBLockJohn" spawns a rather unique boss mob.
Running the command "/playsound thedalekmod:dalek.mus.aawtm ~ ~ ~ 1 1" will play a great song which may be otherwise inaccessible currently.
Pressing the P button will activate it
Christmas Advent 2013:
If you, like me, came a bit later you probably didn't know about the 2014 Advent calendar.
Usually, SWD puts everything in the mod that, well, is normally in the mod, but in this version of the Dalek Mod, the Christmas Advent things had to be downloaded from UDWF1's videos. Notably, many of these things never were ported and many weren't in the version itself. So, unless you knew or were informed, you may never have known about these things. There is a thread on it here link.
Shell and Mod Division References
I forgot how I found these. I'll check and update this later
There is an item which looks like a credit but is actually a rocket launcher. You can find this using commands or TooManyItems. Presumably, it's the predecessor of the Black Box. Unlike the Black Box, however, anyone is allowed to use this
Glenn Miller (Saym face) is in the Sun on Gallifrey
Here's a video on it
Companion Naming
Rename a companion "johnjohn24" and killing it will play the Windows XP shutdown sound. Renaming a companion "UDWF1" and killing it will spawn lots of sheep.
Dalek Mod Command window
At the time of writing this, the commands that can be used and how to open it are unknown
Giant Dalek
Renaming a Special Weapons Dalek "SWD" or "1WTC" in an early 1.7 build will make it giant
Statue of 1WTC dressed in John Lennons Sgt pepper outfit
Obtained with /give thedalekmod.SgtJohn
Weeping Angel Head Block
Obtained with /give thedalekmod.golfCart
Arcade Machine Block
Obtainment method unknown to threadmaker.
Pressing the P button will activate it
Doing /summon Delorean will summon a Bessie Reskinned to look like the Deleorean. The Delorean only has its looks and does not time travel.
Gravity Falls Cart
/summon DMGFCart
Minecraft Pocket Edition
Using some mods you can access Minecraft Pocket Edition
There is an item which looks like a credit but is actually a rocket launcher. You can find this using commands or TooManyItems. Presumably, it's the predecessor of the Black Box. Unlike the Black Box, however, anyone is allowed to use this
Dalek Mod Command window
Press the "P" button in game (or "O"). At the time of writing this, the commands are unknown.
Glenn Miller (Saym face) is in the Sun on Gallifrey
Here's a video on it
Companion Naming
Rename a companion "johnjohn24" and killing it will play the Windows XP shutdown sound. Renaming a companion "UDWF1" and killing it will spawn lots of sheep.
Statue of 1WTC dressed in John Lennons Sgt pepper outfit
Obtained with /give thedalekmod.SgtJohn
Weeping Angel Head Block
Obtained with /give thedalekmod.golfCart
Member Specific things
PC Block (Version: "the development builds of 1.7")
Dalek Mod Story Mode? (Version: ???)
Information Contributers:
The Dalek Mod Wiki (Unofficial and fanmade)
Other posters
If anyone else has anything to add just reply below
Thread updated:
New video on sonic-ing pigs has been added
Is it against the rules to do /blockdata on the Beta Server?
I dunno. I think only staff can do it on the server
I'm currently working on rewriting this thread. Has anyone played much of the latest 1.7.10 version? I haven't checked to see if many of the 1.8 easter eggs were ported.
Haven't been playing the latest 1.7.10 version, but I did notice a few new easter eggs in the latest update that aren't here yet:
-using commands, you can give yourself a nice modeled toaster (name literally is Toaster), when you stand in water while holding it you die
-running this command: /playsound thedalekmod:dalek.mus.aawtm <playername> ~ ~ ~ 1 1 will play a great song (not sure if there's an item that plays it that can be obtained in game yet)
- /summon thedalekmod.DMStoryMode
- /summon thedalekmod.DMBlockJohn
Have fun :D
Also if you didnt know, /summon thedalekmod.DMDelorean
I haven't been able to manage this on the current version. Has anyone managed to do this recently?