A UI that lets you select an area around your TARDIS to form a custom chameleon circuit cartridge.
When you dematerialize, your entire build will be in flight
For example, I built a TARDIS disguised as a house to fit in with my Singleplayer town
But as we all know, the TARDIS isn't actually the whole house, its just the front door. So when I materialize, only the door disappears... it would be so freaking hella cool to see an entire two story house vanish before my eyes
On the few occasions we get the see a Chameleon Circuit work, the larger disguises are always my favorite. A small box, tree, vending machines, etc, does the job.. yea, no one will suspect it, but its boring...
When Clara's TARDIS, or the house TARDIS that Yaz lived in appeared, I loved them. everyone would question a Police Box on a street cornor in 2021 (least of all when it wasnt there before) but a whole house? Theres houses everywhere, no one suspects it!
It would make the TARDIS a whole lot more personal if you could have your own base or house as a TARDIS exterior, other than that, it doesnt affect it much.
Not really... unless you had any questions?
i have always thought as my tardis being my home in Singleplayer but THIS is fantastic (and ridiciously hilarious)!