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This all went south from a build

This all went south from a build

[DMU Ban appeal] Croc_O_Dyle: tl;dr something mentioning Zeraoramos expires, never


Minecraft username: Croc_O_Dyle

Why you were banned: idk tl;dr

Ban duration: infinite

What were you doing last on the server: in the nether with JM78

Why you think you should be pardoned early : Bc Two people have been permabanned just for a build and  a few misunderstandings, if i don't get unbanned can I at least know what I did?

Zeraoramos used your account earlier to access DMU while being banned. Bypassing bans results in both accounts being permanently banned.

Yes but can you name ONE thing that I did that is worth permabanning me

I hate to be negative Nancy but in the end of the day you are Responsible for you own account weather you gave it to someone else to use. This is just my thoughts on the appeal I'm not an official staff member Have a good day 

As I previously stated, bypassing your ban by using an alt account results in a perm ban. I'll be denying this appeal, so please reappeal in 3 months.#


Joe (DMU Admin)

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