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[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: Fox_black

Minecraft username: Fox_Black


Why You're Banned: Xray I Multiple bans previous


Duration of ban: Permanent


What were you last doing on the server:  I do not remember


Why do you think you should be unbanned early (Please keep this factual, we understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I came here to ask you please to withdraw my ban, in these months that I was without playing and reflecting on the mistakes I made I really regret what I did and what I caused, with my ban I couldn't enjoy the new server that was created but i promise not to make the same mistakes i did, so i come here to ask with a lot of regret for what i did a second chance to be able to play on the dark mod server please.


 and thanks for everything.

Hello, I will be taking your appeal.

Upon looking over your ban and this appeal, your appeal will be accepted. However, this will a last chance. Any further issues will result with a perm ban with no appeal.
I hope you understand and enjoy the server once again.


This thread has been locked.