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[Ban appeal] [N/A] Your MC Username: EdibleFork_ Reason for ban: 'Banned by and operator.' [N/A]


Minecraft Username: EdibleFork_


Why you were banned: 'Banned by an operator.'


Given Ban Length: N/A


What were you doing last on the server: I was building on the previous server.


Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I just wanted to  play on the new DMU server, but then I received this message when attempting to join it. I'm not exactly sure about what the meaning behind the given reason is, and I apologise if I did something wrong. Thanks




After looking into your ban, your appeal will be accepted! Looking forward to seeing you on the new server!


This thread has been locked.