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Ban Appeal: DataNoonianSoong

Minecraft username: DataNoonianSoong


Why you were banned: Ban Evading


Ban duration: (Forever)


What were you doing last on the server: Well on my friend's PC, mining and showing him around the server, basically my friend was wanting to get a start on the Dalek Mod server as he is new to modding and really loves Doctor Who, so I decided I'd help him out a bit since I was basically an expert on that stuff, I got him onto the server everything was going well and smooth, I showed him around spawn and what all the awesome player made structures were. He wanted to go mining so he could get materials to create a TARDIS so he was mining and stuff I helped him a little by finding some diamonds and eventually netherite, (This was in his PC IRL, his account and under his supervision, all I did was press some buttons every now and then to guide him) He had all the materials but a nether star so I went to a player I knew called Fett_s and I asked if I could get a nether star in exchange for some netherite and diamonds and I'd give him more items on My account when it gets unbanned in the next day or so. I was prepared to exchange the items then he decided to threaten me to give him the items and stuff or he'd get admins as he was aware of my account being banned. Obviously I had no other choice, so I was literally forced to give him my friend's items he worked so hard for hoping I could repay him all of it and more on my main as it meant a lot to him, but Fett_s took the items and told admins anyway...  


Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):


 I have accepted that back then I was more immature and for that I am sorry, since then I have reflected on those events.


It has now been around 1.5/2 years, It has felt longer, I used to be a fully dedicated DMU player and I used to log on every single day since the second last 1.12 server and try make some progress on the server whether that was helping out players, building my TARDIS, or fixing little parts I see around the server. I honestly feel that my ban should be more something that's not perm as I feel that it's sort of unfair as I wasn't using racism, insulting people, exploiting, xraying.


If there is the small slightest chance that this appeal will be accepted then I thank whoever is accepting this and I and excited to join this basically brand new Doctor Who community, I know the server has changed a lot since the 1.12 days and by what I have seen I think it's for the most part for better.

Since my ban I have thought about create a ALT or something like that but I always knew it would be the unethical thing to do and It just wouldn't feel right, I feel  like I can make a difference to the server and help out the community and new players.

Hello! After discussing your ban appeal over a few days with the staff team, we have come to the conclusion to deny your appeal. Our reasoning behind this is rather simple; You haven't provided a reason to unban you other than "It's been a long time" or "I spent money therefore I should be unbanned" which isn't a valid reason. In addition to this, trying to suck up to staff members via discord will not get you unbanned either.

You may reappeal in 6 months.



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