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[DMU Ban appeal] DCpineapples: Reason for ban: XRaying [2023-11-26]

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Minecraft username: DCpineapples


Why you were banned: I was banned for x-raying in the Nether.


Ban duration:  The ban lasts until November 26th 2023


What were you doing last on the server: I was xraying in the nether.


Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):

I don't believe I should be pardoned early I will admit I did do a wrong thing and I should be punished for it, the only thing I am appealing is having my inventory back to what it was before I logged on earlier as all of the items I had before today I have gotten legitimately with a lot of effort and time being put into the server. I understand that I did something wrong however I don't believe that the items I earned by working on the server should be removed.

This is twice you have been banned for xraying. I've had to perm ban you as is our standard practice, as is clearing the player's inventory.


Joe (DMU Head Admin & Site Moderator)

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