Reason for ban:
I commented on something touchy that happened recent-ish, primarily. It really is frankly silly that it happened in the first place, and I haven't really cared enough to make a ban appeal for a while because it was ridiculous.
Duration: permanently.
What I was doing last:
Not much, I just commented on something sensitive because I didn't agree with it, and then promptly got banned.
Previous bans:
Only by the bot but I talked to Matt to get me unbanned because it was for a stupid reason.
Why I think I should be unbanned:
It was an unreasonable ban, plus I'm only there to post things in the creative channels and whatnot and to interact with people; apologies for whatever "drama" was perpetuated at the time of my ban but I still stand by my opinion of what happened was wrong regardless.
You got told by 3 different staff members to stop and you kept being self-righteous and ignored them. You will be staying banned.