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[DMU Ban appeal] Wobert202 / X-ray [1 month]

Minecraft username: Wobert202

Why you were banned: Xray

Ban duration: 1 month

What were you doing last on the server: Playing with Doofenschmiff and helping to gather resources to build his new TARDIS interior.


Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts):

I have spoken with Jay (V2RA) and I have had a chance to look at the “proof” which was used to ban me. Upon inspection of these images I have seen that my actions, which led Jay to suspect me of Xray, are from a mining expedition I went on approximately 3 weeks ago. Whilst the pattern of my mineshaft is extremely irregular and does look like it could have been done with xray on, it is actually nothing more than the result of playing whilst having an ADHD fueled mining session mixed with my collapsing mental health which caused me to be laughing uncontrollably at anything and everything, something that Doofenschmiff has seen first hand whilst we were on a voice call last Thursday and I did the same thing in the Nether and came across multiple blocks of Ancient Debris purely by accident whilst laughing at everything.


Whilst I was mining with no clear path and I did obtain multiple diamonds, I simply was going around and mining in random directions for the sake of doing it. I never knew there were diamonds present until I found them naturally.

I would also like to say that as someone who has previously run their own server, and has spoken extensively with staff from other servers, I know that xray is rather hard to prove without witnessing it first hand. Discovering a 2-3 week old mineshaft doesn’t prove more than that I was there and I happened to mine a few diamonds.

I believe my ban was unfair and unwarranted as I do not, have not and will not use xray or any other hack and Jay has no first hand proof as to what I was doing. Had Jay been spectating me at the time, he would have seen me mining erratically without directly darting towards diamonds as I did not know they were there to begin with and he even could have tested me by replacing some stone with diamonds to see if I would go straight for them (the best and easiest way to prove xray).

This ban is purely the result of circumstantial evidence and speculation, it is nothing more than a false accusation and I do not wish for this unfair ban to tarnish my name or my record as I did nothing wrong. Whilst I have no evidence to back me up here, Jay’s evidence is circumstantial and, in my opinion, should not be allowed to be used in the decision making which led to him banning me.

In closing, I would like to request that I be pardoned for the crime I did not commit and be allowed to return to DMU so I can continue to play with everyone else.


Thank you for your time.

Hello. I will be taking your appeal. I will address each point you make in the order you made it.

You proceed to say "whilst it looks like it could have xray on" within the first two sentences. This immediately flags out to me as acknowledgement of the ban reason. "Accidentally" coming across ore consistently at every location possible in the path you was digging is improbable, especially when the tunnels show you mining directly to where the ore was without any hesitation or misdirection.

You state "Going around and mining in random directions" when infact only two of the screenshots could be described as that. Most of the screenshots that we deem to be proof is one long tunnel with an occasional offshoot that leads to a spot that leads to where ore was. How convenient.

You say you spoke to multiple "staff" from others servers and you own a server yourself. Anyone who says xray is hard to spot is simply incompetent. There is a massive difference in mining behavior between those who xray and those who don't. This is reflected by the tunnel they leave behind. Let me show you an example.

This is what we would deem an "xray tunnel" in the DMU staff team. As you can see, it is one long strip mine where the play has for some reason decided to go off in particular spots. When we blocklog these areas, it shows up as some kind of ore (usually diamond ore).

This is another kind of xray tunnel. This is what you would describe as "sporadic mining". People who don't deal with xray often might not think much of it. However, as someone who has been banning people for xray for around 3 years now, there are signs. There are random offshoots in the complete opposite direction than is being mined, when blocklogged these are ores. Occasionally, the tunnel may mine down or up, these are also ore spots when blocklogged.

Anyway back to your points.

Whilst the screenshots V2RA is not "first hand proof", we have similar screenshots for other people who then admit that they were xraying. We unfortunately cannot watch people mine at all times. 

Finally, as to your opinion to this being "circumstantial evidence" and being "speculation", neither of these wordings are correct. Any other survival server would agree with the screenshots we have.

Unless you have evidence that you were not xraying, you appeal is denied and you can wait out the month.



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