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Ban Appeal.

 No he was talking to you, saying it didn't work, when you continued telling him to /nick I informed you. I never said he said anything wrong, I'm saying what he said was right. And, I disagree. I refuse to stand for this ban.

 You quoted me talking about Panda -_- Now please stop spamming this thread and wait 24 hours, this really isn't going anywhere

 No he was talking to you, saying it didn't work, when you continued telling him to /nick I informed you. I never said he said anything wrong, I'm saying what he said was right. And, I disagree. I refuse to stand for this ban.

 You quoted me talking about Panda -_- Now please stop spamming this thread and wait 24 hours, this really isn't going anywhere

 No I'm not, please read it.

And I refuse to serve this sentence for such a foolish reason!

A few comments...


War_major: You can not decline ban appeals so no matter how many times you say wait the 24 hours it doesn't matter it comes down to Sub or another ultra to handle the appeal since it was a UA Ban.


With that being said I am pulling my vote from the table in either direction because while I don't know the situation for which you were banned I do know how you carried on yesterday and believe that it could be entirely possible that the ban was justified. 


With that being said I know 50 is aware of yesterday's situation as well and most likely feels the same way as he was not there to witness the events unfold. It is because of that the ban appeal comes down to Subs judgment on this matter.



Finally.... You stated " I refuse to serve...".

Well this was unneeded and rude and frankly if Sub decides to deny your appeal you really cant do anything about it. Sorry, have a good day


I've already explained why I thought what Pandamaci said was a reference to my demotion.

And your point?

 If I've justified it there's no reason for you to be in favor of my ban

That doesnt excuse your rudeness, out burst for attention or the way you acted towards war_major or towards myself accusing me of insulting you.


With that being said I never said I was for your ban. I was saying I had baise opinions towards you and with out knowing the details fully on your ban I wasn't casting my vote. 


Once more... It is up to Sub's decision

Finally.... You stated " I refuse to serve...".

Well this was unneeded and rude and frankly if Sub decides to deny your appeal you really cant do anything about it. Sorry, have a good day


 By 'I refuse to serve...' is I refuse to let this slide without me fighting against it.

This thread has been locked.