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Slight problem with the 80's tardis

Hi. As I'm sure most of you are aware, the 80's tardis is not finished. It also has no door movement. It was a quiet day on the DMU private, until I placed a flight panel on top of the 80's tardis console...and right clicked. DON'T. DO.IT!!!! You will not be able to land anywhere, and you shall be stuck whizzing around until an admin comes on (credits to SubDivide). If you need evidence if this bug, go to the tardis dimension and attempt to go into an 80's tardis. It will work. But, for the love of God, do not activate the flight panel.....

It is not a problem in 80´s TARDIS, but in the dimension. You can activate flight panel if you want, nothing bad will not happen. The problem is in the dimension. You cant use TARDIS in TARDIS dimension. You just cant. +Admin wont help you if you are in survival :D

A while back (42 or 43, a few weeks before a beta release) I did this same thing. DMU Private, 80's TARDIS, flight panel. I don't remember exactly how I fixed it, but it involved being teleported out of the TARDIS Dimension. It took atleast 40 minutes, but I was able to eventually land it. So it is possible without an admin (on singleplayer you will be screwed over).

Thanks to both of your responses, Filix, thanks for brig on the server and fetching admins! I now realise-don't fly a tardis in a tardis dimension

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