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Tardis inside The Tardis

For The Dalek mod It would be nice if we are able to materialize it in it self, I have a suggestion on how it works maybe in the future there could be a advanced flight mode and if you get something wrong it will trap you inside the tardis (the tardis will materialize inside it self) or There Could be amount of times you've traveled and then it could be a story ark Maybe it would be 1,000 times traveled or 100 times you guys could decided but I think that if you go inside the tardis it will send you to the past and see yourself Maybe you can use that new statue feature i saw and have to type in chat, or it will just keep taking you into the past with little differences, or Maybe start small with The first update its in Just Make it so you can atleast acidentally materialize the tardis inside it self 

Currently you can, this has been patched as it's a bug. Having the tardis inside itself is a terrible idea because then this would cause players on the server to constantly need their tardises fixed. This isn't in the mod for very good reason.

Currently you can, this has been patched as it's a bug. Having the tardis inside itself is a terrible idea because then this would cause players on the server to constantly need their tardises fixed. This isn't in the mod for very good reason.

 I know its a Bug its a suggestion that it actually is part of the mod not a bug

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