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[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: ThisChedGamer, Grief/Hate Mail [Perm]

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[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: Reason for ban [Ban Length]


Thread content

Minecraft username: ThisChedGamer

Why you were banned: Griefing/Giving Hate Mail

Ban duration: Perm

What were you doing last on the server: Im pretty sure i was at my House

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): I am missing this server, when i found out the server was resetting i was exited but then i remembered i was banned, i forgot i could apeal, im sorry for griefing/sending Hate mail, i promise i wont grief, i wont send hatemail, ecetera, i will follow the rules, i wont grief anymore, if you would be so kind to Unban me

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