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[DMU Ban appeal] Your MC Username: ThisChedGamer Griefing, Perm [Denied]

PLEASE NOTE: I’m on mobile writing this, and for some reason the text is white on white but the text is just slightly readable


Minecraft username: ThisChedGamer 

Why you were banned: Griefing 

Ban duration:  Perm

What were you doing last on the server: I might have been at my house

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts) you never let me respond to the previous speak when you replied so I gotta make this, from what I remember I had another change for telling the truth to get unbanned , and well, I miss this server, there’s so many things I have wanted to do, and with the server being reset it hits me hard that I can’t be apart of because I put a book on an item frame wi Th a sign and I take full responsibility for what I did, I hope you take the time to see that it’s been months and like, I would really love to be able to play on this server again, , actually made me feel a little sad writing this, cause like this was literally my favorite server and now I can’t play it anymore, I hope it’s ok if you would unban me.

You got banned multiple times and had enough chances. For those reason I will deny your appeal. You can re appeal in 3 month's.






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