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A small Tardis Update

Hey SWD one of my idea is Tardis Regeneration like when we are bored of our current interior and we want to switch it (To make this balanced it would have a countdown before you can use it again - config may be use to stop the countdown for singleplayer; and will work with only some interiors : Doctor Who Classic and New Doctor Who  interiors like 13th interior,War doctor interior and etc.)

You will need a special panel (Tardis Interior Regeneretion Panel) 

It would destroy all Tardis content and that may be a problem but the player can save important stuff like panels crafted and chests contents



Sonics can find the Tardis - If a player have Hands ON but it don't have a key or loses the key it would be nice to find the coord of tardis with the sonic screwdriver




Friendly Tardis - it would be nice to add a panel for giving perms to our tardis to another player




All tardis interiors will have only 4 panels : chameleon circuit panel, the monitor ,the  flight lever and the interior regeneration panel (the rest of the panels will need to be crafted)





And the Tardis will have a countdown before you can fly again with Tardis lever and flight panel ( 10 min max )

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