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DM Bugle - Coke's Guide On How To Write a DM Bugle article

Coke's Guide On How To Write a DM Bugle Article

 By Proffessorcoke


Yo my slimes, so in this article I’m going to be showing you how I make my articles. Why am I doing this you may ask? Why would I expose my secrets? It’s because I want more of you to guest write. More people guest writing means I do less work. Although, if you all have any suggestions for excuses I can give to Ben. That would be helpful. Put those down below the comments. Basically this is a step by step guide on how to rip us off. 


Anyways let’s move on to the first phase, the planning phase



Nah, this doesn’t exist. Who did you think I am? An actually organised person? I’m farrrr more efficient. Because, you should all know that these articles are just complete and utter waffle. I might jot some things down but nothing else. Although, to do this like me you need a master degree in waffling. So I recommend planning your articles. This phase also involves setting up props and stuff.


The second phase, the writing phase.

Now then the tool I use to write my articles is google docs, now everyone else uses smelli word. Which is for boomers, Let’s be honest. Why do I use google docs you may ask well obviously so I can share the file with my ghost writers. The main reason has to be convenience, I can use the file anywhere, It doesn’t take time to boot up etc. It also looks nice ngl. 


The third phase, the editing. In this phase I add extra stuff for example using the fact that DM bugle is a form exclusive thing and adding epic pictures. These may be screenshots related to the article or it might be cool graphics.  Also in this phase I move it over to SWD Forums, All DM bugle articles go into the general discussion section. Now it’s time to reveal the formatting secrets. 


First off we start with a title and the author’s name below. I don’t know which font I use because I literally copied and pasted this from one of Ben’s old DM bugle articles. The rest is quite simple. I put everything in font 14 and all images are centered.

There you have it folks. Now then you might be wondering how you can guest write. Well actually it’s super easy barely an inconvenience, look at this article: https://swdteam.com/forum?p=thread&tid=9132. Or DM me if you wanna ghost write for me.





It’s funny to see how different people do it! Cool guide!

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