RVBchurch221's Profile - SWDTeam

Last seen: January 10, 2024

About me

Welcome to my SWDTeam profile!

Date Joined

March 30, 2016

Minecraft username


Forum posts


Posted: March 15, 2017

Welcome to the forums!

Posted: June 04, 2016

hi, it's good to see you found the official SWDTeam website. So then there are a couple things you should know. Firstly, when making a thread in the forums, make sure you put it in the correct section e.g. suggestion, Creations. Secondly, if there is ever a problem unless you were a witness, then please stay out of it so the problems don't get even worse. Thirdly, be polite to ALL the SWDTeam, the moderators and other important people such as SubDivide who in our case is like a cookie king. Obviously be respectful, polite and don't cause any Drama, and also use good Grammar, spelling and sentence structure when typing on this website. Final thing I would appreciate it if you can get yourself a profile pic as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.
- Battleben12

Posted: October 30, 2012

Welcome to your new SWDTeam Profile