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Discord Ban-Appeal

Discord account username and ID: kriztoon 

Why you were banned: ‘making fun’ of someone’s illness

Ban duration: not mentioned

What were you doing last in the discord: bantering with the person

Any previous bans: 1

Why you think you should be pardoned early (Please keep this factual. We understand you are sorry that you got banned so please stick with the facts): The ‘making fun’ was pure banter and I had originally sent the photo of a Dr Pepper to show someone that I’d bought it instead of a different drink, at that time I had believed he was bantering to which I still do half, I had also believed the mod was joking about the ban aswell which is why I continued, I have apologised to the person involved which they have accepted.


- Kriztoon

Hello. Your ban appeal is being denied. Saying "I thought it was a joke" does not excuse your actions. After rereading the conversation, it was made very clear by the member you were "bantering" with that they were not okay with what you were saying, yet you continued to escalate it. In addition to this, you of all people should know that Joe does not joke about bans. With all of this in mind, your appeal is being denied.


This thread has been locked.