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[OFFICIAL] Feedback thread for Dalek Mod Update 42

Seeing as the waypoints may already be being worked on, I have a few more suggestions. A monitor or screen that let you see the outside from the inside without having to use a flight panel, I think most people would agree with me on this idea? Also, for the sake of convenience, being able to open the outside door from the inside to let people in without having to type /tardis-perms everyone or going outside, opening the door, letting the person in and then opening the door again for yourself? One more thing; the ability to make a custom exterior ingame that can be loaded as quickly as any other exterior would be nice too. I don't know, just putting it out there...

Seeing as the waypoints may already be being worked on, I have a few more suggestions. A monitor or screen that let you see the outside from the inside without having to use a flight panel, I think most people would agree with me on this idea? Also, for the sake of convenience, being able to open the outside door from the inside to let people in without having to type /tardis-perms everyone or going outside, opening the door, letting the person in and then opening the door again for yourself? One more thing; the ability to make a custom exterior ingame that can be loaded as quickly as any other exterior would be nice too. I don't know, just putting it out there...

A door lever mainly. Mind if I add that to my Tardis Suggestion thread?

I have a small suggestion. Rather than having to place signs on your console with co-ordinates and what not, implement a kind of location save system on the monitor? That way, you can easily select a previously saved location rather than having to type out X, Y and Z over and over again.

 i think this idea was supposed to be implemented or is going to be implemented as on the tardis monitor it says "waypoints" i wonder...

Seeing as the waypoints may already be being worked on, I have a few more suggestions. A monitor or screen that let you see the outside from the inside without having to use a flight panel, I think most people would agree with me on this idea? Also, for the sake of convenience, being able to open the outside door from the inside to let people in without having to type /tardis-perms everyone or going outside, opening the door, letting the person in and then opening the door again for yourself? One more thing; the ability to make a custom exterior ingame that can be loaded as quickly as any other exterior would be nice too. I don't know, just putting it out there...

A door lever mainly. Mind if I add that to my Tardis Suggestion thread?

 Not at all, some credit would be nice :P but maybe instead of a lever, just shift clicking the door on the inside and getting a message like "Your Tardis door is open."

 i can't find update 42 i can't find it.

 Just download it from the Store, the current version of the mod is Update 42.1 Patch. I see you're new here, welcome!


This is a suggestions page, not a place for questions, if you read the title. Please post your future questions here.

Can you please make it so you can see the bigger on the inside from the outside, kinda like a dimensional portal but able to see the otherside!

Can you please make it so you can see the bigger on the inside from the outside, kinda like a dimensional portal but able to see the otherside!


My Suggestion. Do everything Arcphoenix ever said. That sums it up.


 I quite agree, but in order to do so we must employ an army of programmers to work regularly 

Can you please make it so on top of the Tardises the lamps are flashing. Especially the 2010 model!

Can you please make it so on top of the Tardises the lamps are flashing. Especially the 2010 model!

 It was in 1.7.10 hopefully it's going to be ported up, it was a nice little feature! 


If I may suggest, will roundels and Tardises emit light again? It was a really nice decorative feature in 1.6.4/1.7.10. 

I'm not really sure where to post this, since there's no BTF thread, but if I were to choose one of my small suggestions I want, it'd be compatibility between the BTF mod and the Dalek Mod.

It'd be cool if the Delorean was able to time Travel (if the Dalek Mod is present) to alternate timezones for whatever planet you're currently on.

can you add the 12th doctors brand new sonic from the end of hell bent and the husbands of river song?

Can you please make it so you can see the bigger on the inside from the outside, kinda like a dimensional portal but able to see the otherside!


 and about the video , what is that in the final ? its like a villager house ?

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