Hello readers of the SWD Bugle, it is I the Saturday Boy! Today we will be talking about "Spawn Invasions" Staff host about once or twice a week. So let's just jump into it.
For those of you asking yourself: "What the hell is the potato talking about?" Well you see, when staff are bored they host so called "Spawn Invasions" where they just spam a bunch of mobs at spawn and players come to fight them, usually they throw in some non-naturally spawning mobs such as weeping angels in too. That's basically it so let's continue shall we?
From my description you may think these are innocent little games the staff play with players, but NO! Upon further inspection one sees that these are actually satanic rituals staff perform in the name of cowman. They gather up a bunch of gullible players at spawn, and then begin the ritual, from my observations I believe it goes like this:
Please note rituals may vary.
Well that's it, I have exposed the staff for the Cow Man worshipping cultists that they are, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!